What to Expect

As a mobile therapist, I will carry out treatment in the comfort of your own home.  For this, I will require a small, quiet area to set up either a massage table or some vet bedding to work off the floor.

Before any treatment can be carried out, you will be asked to complete a Veterinary Consent Form and have it signed by your Veterinary Practitioner.  The form can be located and downloaded from the HOME page.  If you require a hard copy, please let me know at time of booking.

The first appointment will last approx. 1.5 hours and will consist of a Consultation , Gait and Posture analysis, Palpation, Massage and Feedback.

Consultation - £40

A full consultation detailing your dogs medical history, lifestyle/ activities of daily living, exercise and diet, as well as address any questions or areas of concern you have, including a discussion on your expectations of the therapy and what you hope to achieve from the treatment. 

Gait and Posture Analysis

Following the consultation, I will carry out a gait analysis.  This will involve asking you to move your dog at varying paces to enable me to check for any gait irregularities, taking into account any issues you as an owner have noticed for example, bunny hopping, struggling to get up and down the stairs etc.  After this, i will carry out a posture analysis, where i will observe your dogs posture to make sure they are weight bearing correctly on all four limbs, and look out for any changes in their coat or carriage.


Prior to massage I will carry out a superficial palpation of your dogs muscles using my hands to feel for any areas of tenderness, injury, change in texture, temperature and tone.  The practice of `seeing with your hands' take many years to master but is implicit in detecting injury, scarring, overcompensation, trigger points, adhesions and muscle wastage.

Massage and Feedback

A full body massage lasting between 45-50 minutes tailored to your dogs individual needs.  

Following treatment, I will discuss my findings with you, and put an aftercare plan in place to ensure maximum results are achieved between sessions.

Subsequent Treatments - £40

Subsequent treatments will last approximately 1 hour and will include a 45-50 minute massage and feedback, taking into account your dogs progress and a review of your dogs needs.

As Clinical Canine Massage is a results based therapy, i recommend 1-3 treatments spread over weekly intervals to ensure maximum benefit.  Regular one off maintenance treatments can be booked thereafter, and are a great way to ensure your dog remains in tip top shape.

Following our final assessment, I will send a full report of my findings to your Vet. 
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